Guess where WWE is looking in their search for their Latin female star

At one point Vince McMahon wanted Lana to be the female superstar of the company but the direction for her seems to have changed and she is now just another character on the show.

The new idea is to find a “Latin female star of the company.” They are looking for sex appeal and someone that speaks Spanish so she can be the person that is front and center when they expand their product into the Latin American audience. The person they are looking for doesn’t have to be a wrestler.

WWE has people searching for Latin female weather reporters in Mexico. Unfortunately for WWE, the perfect person for the role (ring announcer Melissa Santos) is signed with Lucha Underground. If Lucha Underground doesn’t get picked up for a second season then she might be available to them.

By the way, if they can’t sign Melissa Santos then they might want to consider Mexican weatherwoman Yanet Garcia.

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