Hulk Hogan Got Roasted On The Pat McAfee Show

Hulk Hogan has gone viral following his appearance on Monday’s WWE Raw on Netflix premiere, where he was booed out of the building while promoting his Real American beer.

As he tried to cut a promo hyping the episode, the crowd heavily booed the Hall of Famer months after he publicly endorsed Donald Trump for US President as part of the 2024 election. The Undertaker, who also endorsed Trump, also appeared on the show but received a great reaction.

On Tuesday’s Pat McAfee Show, McAfee and his crew poked fun at Hogan. They staged a press conference where the fake Hogan claimed the crowd was cheering Hogan while the boos were actually for Jimmy Hart.

The fake Hogan said he would face anyone from the WWE roster and only wanted real Americans. Check it out below:


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