Impact Wrestling execs met with WWE officials last week in Stamford, CT

It looks like hell has frozen over. PWInsider is reporting that Impact Wrestling officials Ed Nordholm and Scott D’Amore met with several high ranking WWE officials last week at WWE Headquarters in Stamford, CT.

The meeting was not attended by Vince McMahon but members of Triple H’s team were there.

The meeting took place in the middle of last week after the Impact crew returned from Manchester, Great Britain and just before they left for their TV tapings in Mexico.

The meeting was described by a WWE source as a general discussion and a chance to get everyone in the same room as opposed to a specific negotiation. One Impact Wrestling source claimed that the meeting had nothing to do about a potential sale.

For whatever it’s worth, John Gaburick is back working with WWE and he was the man that initiated talks with WWE a couple of years ago to get talks going for a potential purchase when Dixie Carter was looking for a buyer. Instead, Anthem ended up buying the company.

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