Jake Roberts: I Think Dutch Mantel Thinks He Should Have Been a Lot More Than He Ever Was, He Just Seemed to Be Unhappy With the Positions He Was Put in Most of His Career

On the latest “Snake Pit” podcast, Jake “The Snake” Roberts talked about the 1996 WWE King of the Ring, the show that put Stone Cold Steve Austin on the map after the famous Austin 3:16 promo.

Roberts gave his thoughts on The Kliq’s Curtain Call in Madison Square Garden in 1996:

“Everybody was hot about that curtain call shit. Everybody. I remember Freddie Blassie just fu**ing losing it in the locker room. It made everybody sick. I love those guys to death, but man, you fu**ing co**suckers. That was f**ked up. Can you see Bruno Sammartino doing that? Maybe him and Larry Zbyszko doing that? The whole idea about wrestling in a territory is that you leave it in better shape than it was when you got there. By them doing that, they destroyed so much. They destroyed a lot by doing that. I’m going to piss in your biggest market. That’s why I can’t believe Vince let it happen.”

Roberts’ thoughts on Dutch Mantel:

“I think there’s always little jealousy between Dutch and I on his side. I think Dutch thinks he should have been a lot more than he ever was. I don’t know. I might be completely missing the boat. He just seemed to be unhappy with the positions he was put in most of his career. I’ve always liked him, but that has nothing to do with it.”

Roberts talked about the idea he had for a Steve Austin T-Shirt:

“Austin’s ten commandments. Thou shalt not kill unless thou are pissed. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife unless she’s really hot. Thou shalt honor thy father and thy mother unless they’re complete jackoffs, right on down the line.”

Click below to listen to the entire podcast.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit AdFreeShows.com with a h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription. 

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