Jake Roberts: We got paid nothing for being in Vince McMahon’s ‘Stand Back’

This week on the “DDP Snake Pit” podcast, Jake Roberts and Diamond Dallas Page answered questions sent in by AdFreeShows.com members. 

Roberts was asked what his experience was like shooting the video “Stand Back” for WWE in 1986:

“I wanted to slash my wrist. Number one, I can’t dance. I don’t claim to be a dancer. I like to watch dancers, but I wouldn’t be a dancer. Musical instruments, I can’t carry a tune in a bucket, much less play a trumpet. That whole shenanigan was probably the worst time I’ve had in the WWE or any other organization because we were asked to come to Atlantic City for three days with our wives or husbands, stay in that hotel, come to all this stuff to rehearse and do all this, then do the show and all that, and have to listen through Vince say, ‘Stand back’, which we all know was a shoot from the word get go, and we got paid nothing for doing it. Nothing.

“They were so kind to take care of our hotel rooms,” Roberts added. “That trip cost me like six grand because they had gambling, they had alcohol, and we had way too much time on our hands. Yeah, it was a horrible thing to have to go through. It sucked from the get go to the outfits that we had to wear, I mean just the whole thing. Beefcake is doing his thing. Hogan is doing the guitar, and it’s like, Oh, give me a break. Vince was so god damn confident to stand out there and belt that out, and he belted it out. Thank God we move forward and things have changed.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit AdFreeShows.com with a h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription. 

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