Jeff Hardy Addresses Using His Real-Life Problems For Wrestling Storylines

Jeff Hardy made an appearance on the latest episode of Insight With Chris Van Vliet to discuss a wide range of topics, including using his real-life problems for wrestling storylines.

WWE has used his past substance issues for programs as well as claiming Matt Hardy burned down his house, which killed his dog in a house fire, for their feud in 2009. This led to their street fight at WrestleMania 25.

“It’s weird too, because my personal life kind of became a professional life back in ’08, ’09 and that a lot of people, you know, that’s messed up. They’re going there, ‘Man.’ But I mean, in a way, I think it helped me, but also, looking back at it now, ‘I go, Oh, my God, was that the right thing to do, you know?’ Because that is my personal life. And now, here we are in my professional. It’s super interesting, like me and the storyline and the feud with CM Punk was just so amazing, and that kind of helped make it that way, because we were complete opposites. But yes, it’s just like, there’s really no difference in Jeff Hardy. That’s why I’m excited too. There’s this alter ego of mine, alter Nero of mine, named Willow, and he appeared in TNA, my last run in TNA, and there’s a new mask with a brand new face plate. And, man, I haven’t tried it on yet, but when I go pick it up, and if it fits real good, I’m sure I’m going to get excited about possibilities with, you know, a way darker side of Jeff Hardy, or way more just spiritual, innovative character that Willow’s never actually been in the past. The original idea with Willow is, like, nothing makes sense, because he’s not human. He’s just some alien. He’s the God of my imagination. That’s kind of where it all started. But for him to be like my dark passenger and kind of guy Jeff Hardy, into this different zone and pro wrestling, you know. I think there might be something pretty powerful within that.”

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