Jim Cornette and Kenny Bolin’s 41-year friendship ends over issues related to Vince Russo

The 41-year friendship between Jim Cornette and Kenny Bolin has ended and apparently, it has to do with Bolin picking sides between Cornette and his other good friend Vince Russo. The story, according to Kenny’s son (scroll down to read more), is that the protective order filed by Vince Russo was done at the suggestion of Kenny Bolin.

Bolin broke down during a Facebook Live session when he talked about the end of the friendship. You can see the video below and then scroll down for the backstory on all of this, as told by Kenny’s son Chris.

Russo responded to Bolin’s video:

His son Chris Bolin gave his side of the story during a Reddit AMA session:

Question: I’ve got quite a backlog of Jim Cornette’s podcasts, so I’m not up to date on he and your dad’s falling out. Can you please explain what happened? They always did those bits where they’re pissed at each other, and no matter what I can’t help but feel this is just an extended cut of that.

Answer: I wish it was but it seems like they won’t be repairing it. Basically there had been tension going back to our first shows with Vince Russo, but it sort of just lingered in the background. Then right before the EPO Jim called my bragging that someone was going to accept money to handle Russo, some mark in Evansville IN. We tell Russo because it’s not cool to pay someone to kill/beat up a man over the writing of a TV show and told him to get an EPO just to leave a paper trail just in case something goes down. At the same time Jimmy alluded to this on the JCE so it was out there. Russo goes before a judge with transcripts of everything Jim has said about him over 18 years, recordings of voicemails that Jim denies leaving(I’ve heard them, they exist) and is granted the EPO and encouraged by the judge to seek further charges which Vince declined to do out of respect for my father. We address this on the Bolin Alley with Jims cohost Brian Last who argued his case like a middle schooler saying “Vince is a pussy” against Maya who was giving real insight, so we quit the show with Last and never heard from Jim again

Question: So basically you guys ratted out Jim Cornette?

Answer: Yeah, when one friend has a plot to pay someone to murder another friend, youre a pretty bad friend for not warning the friend that stands to be murdered. Also ratted out? What is this the fucking Wire?

Chris Bolin later added: I’m sorry, do you know jimmy? Have you ever been on the phone with him while he tore apart his office after learning Vince profited on the sale of his house? What about him threatening to shoot Lesnars knees out? Beating his shit box ford to a heap with a ball bat because of a missed time cue in a match in front of 80 people? Slapping Santino for not being scared of the boogie man? Belittling Linda Miles for having a bad match after having 2 before that? The man is nuts


It’s sad to see such a good friendship end like that. To be fair, we have yet to hear Cornette’s side but if he chooses to respond then we’ll post it here.

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