Jim Ross on Hall of Fame rumors, MVP a game changer in TNA, Sting and Hogan at WrestleMania

Jim Ross has a new blog entry over at JRsBarBQ.com. Here are some of the highlights:

On the Hall of Fame rumors and fans at the Hall of Fame event:

Rumor mills are working OT regarding as to who will be the next inductee into the WWE Hall of Fame. I think that it’s cool that the HOF induction ceremony will air live, as I understand it, on the WWE Network. Hopefully the live audience will mind their manners and not feel compelled to display their defiance and disrupt the show for any reason. Cheering and classy displays of support are awesome however wise ass, look-at-me chants aren’t.

Ross talked about MVP in TNA and whether or not he thinks he’s a game changer for the company

Been asked if MVP is a game changer for TNA? I don’t know that answer but a company generally isn’t “fixed” with the addition of one individual. I’m a MVP fan and hope that he significantly helps the brand. However, most of TNA’s issues are merely one’s that have been over thought as it relates to the presentation on TV. Long term planning solves many TV Wrestling issues.

On Sting and Hogan at WrestleMania:

When I suggested that I thought that @HulkHogan and @Sting would be great additions for WWE to market at WM30 I wasn’t inferring that the two greats should wrestle each other. Hulk can be a major asset at WM30 in many, non wrestling roles while Sting still seems to be on that ‘short list’ of future, Undertaker opponents. I’d love to see that match especially if it were be built over a long period of time. Nonetheless, the window for that bout ever occurring is rapidly closing.

There’s much more covered in his latest blog entry. You can check it out by clicking here. Also, check out JR’s products at WWE Shop.

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