Jim Ross on reports of WWE signing top NJPW, Monday’s RAW, Impact Wrestling

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has posted a new blog entry over at his website where he gives his thoughts on Monday’s RAW, reports of WWE signing top NJPW talents and more. Here are the highlights.

On Roman Reigns vs. Sheamus from this past Monday’s RAW:

Reigns vs. Sheamus was a solid match and Mr. McMahon as the referee was intriguing but alas it came at the end of the three-hour marathon so that affected the proceeding somewhat. Nonetheless,  McMahon providing Reigns the ‘rub’ is a good thing and now Reigns is booked in the most challenging of circumstances at the Rumble whereas he apparently must win the Rumble to retain WWE World Title.  Indeed the hero is in deep jeopardy.

On reports of WWE signing top NJPW talents:

If WWE signs the NJPW talents that they are rumored to be romancing, it can be a HUGE development for WWE if they handle it efficiently and position these talents as top  hands from the get go. Impactful debuts should be the order of the day. AJ Styles and Shinsuke Nakamura can both be major, singles stars for WWE. WWE does not have two, better singles wrestlers currently  on their roster than AJ and Nakumura.

On Impact Wrestling’s debut on Pop TV:

Solid show but it featured  too much long form talk for my taste. The TNA roster is  best suited to wrestle and to not  engage in multiple, long form promos IMO. Overall, the in ring presentations were not off the page but were generally solid.  

You can read the entire blog here.

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