Jim Ross on WWE’s role in Brock Lesnar returning to the UFC and the Final Deletion Match

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has posted a new blog entry over at his website where he gives his thoughts on various topics. Here are the highlights.

On WWE’s role in Brock Lesnar returning to the UFC to fight Mark Hunt at UFC 200:

It appears that many folks actually think that WWE had a major role in determining who Brock Lesnar is fighting at UFC 20. My take is that WWE likely had very little to do with UFC’s booking of Lesnar-Hunt even though admittedly the matchup is not the best pairing for Brock. UFC would never have any creative say in who a UFC star would face in a WWE ring, and I feel the same concept works here too. The first 60 seconds of the Lesnar vs. Hunt fight Saturday night on PPV is crucial for both fighters as it’s likely that both men are training for the fight to end long before the scheduled 15-minute time limit allotted it. One can assume that Mark Hunt will come out throwing bombs that Lesnar must withstand while Brock looks for a takedown as quickly as possible. I’m still of the mindset that this fight will end violently and conclusively within the first 5 minutes of the fight.

On the Final Deletion Match:

Enjoyed the TNA presentation on Tuesday night on POP TV headlined by the unique and creative Final Deletion Match featuring brothers Matt and Jeff Hardy. This bout had some terrific production elements including no commentary and a ‘spot on’ music bed running throughout the presentation. This was fun to watch because it was original while still sticking to many of the old school values and principles that many of us enjoy. I applaud both Matt and Jeff for their creativity, their efforts and their desire to present a unique, pro wrestling bout that had a great story going in which provided viewers with significant anticipation and they then delivered a strong performance and outcome. The Final Deletion match was one of the most unique and entertaining concepts that I’ve seen in years. Plus Matt Hardy deserves praise for re-inventing himself as a classic villain for this presentation and Jeff, of course, is simply one of the great performers that our biz has seen in decades.

Ross also discussed the Cruiserweight Classic and more. You can read the entire blog here. In case you haven’t checked it out yet, you can listen to the latest episode of The Ross Report here:

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