Jim Ross praises The Miz for “kicking some verbal ass” on Talking Smack

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has posted a new blog entry over at his website where he gives his thoughts on various topics.

During the blog, Ross commented on Intercontinental Champion The Miz’s promo on Tuesday’s edition of Talking Smack on the WWE Network during a segment with Daniel Bryan. As seen on the show, Bryan said that Miz wrestles like he doesn’t like to get heat and like a coward. Miz cut a promo on Bryan by saying that he has never had an injury in his WWE career. Miz then ripped on Bryan for telling the fans that he would come back and wrestle again in 2015 after suffering a concussion but never did and retired in 2016. Bryan said that if they (WWE) would let him come back, then he would. Miz fired back by saying that Bryan should quit WWE and go wrestle in a bingo hall with his indy friends.

“@mikethemiz created a buzz in social media circles after his reality based, organic sounding promo that Miz aggressively executed on ‘Talking Smack’ on the WWE Network after Smackdown Live went off the air Tuesday night. Miz’ promo represented his best work IMO in a long while as he seemingly expressed himself from his heart and not from his memory. Few wrestlers in today’s marketplace are truly accomplished in being able to have a quick turnaround upon once receiving their promo copy, memorizing it, and then being able to deliver the copy in a real, authentic manner when it counts, and that’s on live, TV. The “I’m Not Working You” feel of any pro wrestling promo always resonates infinitely more than does a memorized promo that sounds as if it is being recited from pure memory without true, motion behind it.”

Ross believes that all promotions should at least consider putting more confidence in their talent with promos and not script the wrestlers as much as they do.

“All promotions should consider putting more confidence in their own talents to let them create a large portion of their own promos but with the help of a producer who also realizes that less is truly more when it comes to the heavily scripting of promos and inadvertently producing the personality out of these verbal adventures.”

“My black hat’s off to The Miz for kicking some verbal ass Tuesday night that will hopefully be the start of more to come from the IC Champion. For the record, It’s not about volume but always about authentic passion and convictions when it comes to cutting a promo. Final note on cutting promos is to do all that you can to be yourself and not ‘work’ the audience as it relates to one’s delivery and sincerity. “

Ross also talked about his one man only shows and more. You can read the entire blog here.

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