Jim Ross Q&A: WWE Network subscribers, Global Force Wrestling, Ultimate Warrior’s health on Raw, and more

Jim Ross answered several questions from fans in his latest Q&A on JRsBBQ.com. Here are a few or them.

On the WWE Network subscriber numbers

I thought it was a good number but I’m no expert in that sort of data. I also feel that it will grow significantly in the future.
On the streak ending at WrestleMania XXX
I wasn’t ready for the STREAK to end. However, I also don’t know Taker’s physical condition.
On Jeff Jarrett’s Global Force Wrestling
I certainly hope that he is successful and wish him the best with his new venture. If he provides an alternative product on a strong cable network he could have a chance. It’s all about talent and TV.
On the speculation of Warrior’s health on Raw
I chose not to as it is only speculation. I hadn’t seen him in years to compare it his physical status at WM/RAW
You can read the entire Q&A by clicking here.

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