Jim Ross: Ronda Rousey Is Awfully Bitter Right Now, She Sure As Hell Is Not A Fan Of Mr. McMahon

On the latest “Grilling JR” podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross and Conrad Thompson covered WrestleMania 25.

Before the main topic, Jim Ross talked about Ronda Rousey’s recent negative comments about WWE while promoting her book:

“It’s unsettling, honestly, I don’t know that’s the way to promote any product in a negative light,” Ross said. Negative light doesn’t shine very brightly on most projects. I understand what she’s doing. I understand why she’s doing it. She wants to sell books and I’m sure her book is good. She’s very outspoken, she’s very honest, but I think sometimes you gotta unsaddle that negative horse, saddle it back up with something more positive, and that would be my suggestion to her.”

Ross went on to praise Rousey because he’s a fan of her work:

“I’m a big fan of Ronda Rousey. She’s special. No one has ever been quite like her, but she’s awfully bitter right now. I think she’d be better served talking about her book than talking about her experiences with WWE. You can sure tell by the little bit that I’ve read or heard from her, she sure as hell is not a fan of Mr. McMahon.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit AdFreeShows.com with a h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription. Quotes were transcribed by Jim for WrestlingNews.co.

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