Jonathan Coachman Accuses Nia Jax Of Working To Get Him Fired From WWE In 2018

Throughout his career, Jonathan Coachman has worked for WWE on two occasions, including roles as an interviewer and commentator and even wrestling when needed. His second WWE stint saw him be part of the Raw commentary team before it ended in 2018.

While speaking on the Behind The Turnbuckle: The Last Word podcast, Coachman alleged that Women’s Champion Nia Jax advocated against him and pushed Renee Paquette to replace him on the announced team.

Coachman stated, “She hates me, by the way, Rafael. Years ago when, and this shows how crazy it was at the time. When I left ESPN and I came back, I told Vince [McMahon] I’ve got four golf events that I already have on my schedule I didn’t want to miss. in my first 10 years in the WWE, I missed one Monday night, so now I come back 10 years later and tell Vince I’m missing four events in that calendar year. How do you think that went over? he said no problem, coach, we got you. Well, he had me until the second missed event, and he’s like, this is some bulls**t, and I was like, I told you. So they started filling in. And I remember they put Renee in my spot. Nobody liked the fact that they brought me back. They were, whatever the reason. I’m not gonna use the jealous word. It is what it is. But Nia Jax led the charge of Renee, Renee, Renee in Coach’s spot. She didn’t like me for whatever reason. I had no issues with Renee. I think Rene is terrific.”

Coachman has been critical of Jax’s past performances and offered his critique of her performance in the Survivor Series: WarGames match.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article, please credit Behind The Turnbuckle: The Last Word with an h/t to for the transcription.

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