Keith Lee is not happy about Drew McIntyre getting involved in his matches

During this week’s episode of WWE Raw talk, the seeds were planted for a future feud between Keith Lee and WWE Champion Drew McIntyre. Lee took issue with Drew McIntyre getting involved again in his match. McIntyre attacked Randy Orton and that led to the referee calling the match off due to the disqualification.

A couple of weeks ago, we exclusively reported here on that the plan was for Lee to eventually turn heel so he could challenge for the WWE Championship. Based on what Lee said during Raw Talk, it looks like Lee vs. McIntyre will be the next feud after Clash of Champions.

“There’s a lot of feelings that I can exude about this,” Lee said during Raw Talk. “I think I am going to start with the fact that I need to say the very obvious. Drew McIntyre is a friend of mine. We have history, lots of history. Some not so great, some great even before WWE”

Lee continued, “Drew, let me just talk to you first. I am very happy that you’re okay, very happy. But I don’t understand this. I get tonight. You got a fractured jaw, you’re fighting through the pain and you wanna pay a guy back, I understand.”

“Listen, I get why tonight but I have an issue with the fact that I know that you know there’s only one chance that you have to make a first impression and you interfered in that. I have since redeemed you. I have avenged you and said ‘okay, now this is done, I took care of this for you, now you can come back and give him the beating that he deserves.’ I get another opportunity here and you show up and do it again. I don’t understand. Drew, I am happy that you are getting your receipts but please man, I just got here. Give me a chance. If I’m making waves, let me surf bro, please. I am going to respect you and your reign as a champion but please also respect me. Our past doesn’t matter right now, this is about respect man to man. I’m asking you man to man, no more of that. Do what you need to do. No more of my matches. I have to prove that I am limitless. That’s to Drew.”

You can listen to what Lee said about McIntyre in the clip below.

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