Kevin Nash on Roman Reigns: It’s a bad time for him but he’ll be a big star

WWE Hall of Famer Kevin Nash recently spoke with Sports Illustrated about various topics. Here are the highlights.

On The Club using the “too sweet” gesture:

“If you’re over enough to use that, and the people don’t sh– on you, you’re over. I don’t mind it at all. I just didn’t like them bringing in Doc and Anderson, then having that six-man elimination match [against Roman Reigns and The Uso’s]. There is no reason to beat those two guys coming in the door. You’re missing heel talent, and you’re going to beat these two guys? But they corrected it. It’s almost like, ‘No one can get over you except us,’ even though you were over someplace else. They make the reference to AJ like he was a Japan guy–he was a TNA guy. He was in Japan for like a year. And the thing is, he’s tearing the TV up.”

On Roman Reigns:

“I’ve always said there are two kinds of people in this world. There is somebody who gets you down in a fight and is putting the boots to you, and the guy on the floor says, ‘Hey, I’ve had enough,’ and you stop. Or you’re me, and I’ll break my shin open to try to kick you as you climb underneath the car because I’ll tell you when you’ve had enough. You either have that, or you don’t–you’re either a prick or you’re not, and I’m a prick. I think that shows. If you’re not, you’re not. I’m glad he’s not. Every time I talk to him, he seems like a really well-adjusted, very nice gentleman. I think he’s got a great look, I think he’s very athletic, I think things will work out for him. It’s just a bad time for him right now, but he’ll be a big star for that company.”

On the Brand Extension:

“There’s just not a lot of depth. We did the split in ‘02, but they’ve had a rash of injuries. A lot of guys are coming back now, but when you start splitting things up, it just shows the lack of depth there is all the way through.”

Nash also talked about his career and more. You can read the entire interview here.

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