Kevin Nash reportedly declined offer to appear at WWE Raw 30

This past Monday at the Raw 30th anniversary show, there were a few notable names absent during the legend’s segments.

As previously noted, Tatanka declined to appear so he could attend his son’s wrestling tournament and Mick Foley stated on Facebook that he declined to appear because he had been on the road for a month and he wanted some time to rest and be with his family.

Another name that was absent was WWE Hall Of Famer Kevin Nash. Wade Keller noted on a recent audio show that Nash was invited to appear but apparently he declined the offer. 

“I asked and was told he was invited by WWE but did not attend,” Keller said. “I didn’t inquire further or hear further details on why he did not attend. But keep in mind, he’s been having a real rough time. His 26-year-old son died from a seizure last fall.”

Keller recalled talking with Nash several years ago about fatherhood and comparing notes about raising a son. Keller added, “I don’t know Kevin’s state of mind. I talk to people who talk to him and I can understand it being a tough decision to show up and have to talk to everybody about it. He just might not be ready to do that. It might have been other factors that contributed to it, I don’t know. But I was glad to hear that an invitation was extended…”

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