Kevin Owens: I Had Arguments With WWE’s Previous Management Over Its Treatment Of Fans

Kevin Owens has always spoken his mind but remained loyal to WWE after being there for over a decade. Over the years in WWE under the Vince McMahon regime, things would be booked, including matches and storylines, only to be dropped suddenly without an explanation. This infuriated WWE fans and Owens.

While doing a recent interview with Adrian Hernandez of Unlikely, Owens discussed a “big shift” in approach with social media since Triple H assumed creative control.

“It’s definitely been a shift in mindset from people at the top. Our fans are smart and watch our product and pay attention and remember things, and can remember things a lot better than other people that were in charge before thought they would because I guess they didn’t remember half the stuff we did. The fans do because the fans care and pay attention to what we do.

I had arguments with the people in charge before. ‘No, this happened three weeks ago, they’re going to remember.’ They said, ‘No, they won’t.’ ‘Yes, they will. You’re insulting their intelligence by pretending they won’t.’

Obviously, Triple H does not think like that. He knows fans remember and he applies it and uses it. It makes the product way better, in my opinion. When I was a kid watching, when I was 12, 13, 14, even though I was just a kid, I watched it and remembered everything. When The Sultan showed up, I knew it was [Rikishi]. Why is he The Sultan? Our fans are smart. It’s great to see the product leaning into that now.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article, please credit Adrian Hernandez of Unlikely with an h/t to for the transcription.

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