Konnan is still negotiating with WWE to induct Rey Mysterio into the Hall of Fame

Shortly after Rey Mysterio was first announced for this year’s WWE Hall of Fame class, it was reported that Konnan would be the man to induct his good friend into the honorary spot.

While speaking MuscleManMalcolm, Konnan spoke about his friendship with Mysterio and told a story about how AAA initially thought Mysterio should be part of their minis division.

“I’ve known Rey about 35 years. I met Rey when he was maybe 12 or 13 and bro the guy weighed 130 and that’s with horchata in one hand and a monster burrito in the other. The guy had really long hair….anyways, I saw him and, you know, I just said, ‘Wow. Even though there’s nobody in the business this small, I think this guy could be huge and I had to convince everybody to use him, including AAA,” Konnan stated.

“They actually wanted to put him in the minis division. The minis division is like the little people division. He trusted me and I was a big star in Mexico at that time so wherever they took me, I said, ‘You have to bring this guy too’ and they were like, ‘Really dude?’ I go, ‘Bro, I guarantee you’ll ask for him back. How about that? Or you don’t have to pay me.’ That’s how sure I was of this guy and bro every time, ‘Oh my God, when can he come back?’ He revolutionized the sport.”

Konnan continued by noting that negotiations are still ongoing for him to induct Mysterio.

“Right, well, I would be very disappointed if it wasn’t me, but Rey has asked me, so we’re still like negotiating,” Konnan stated. “Until they put it out there until they officially announce it, I really can’t say anything on it, but I have been contacted.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article, please credit MuscleManMalcolm with an h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription.

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