Lance Storm explains why intergender wrestling needs to stop

The #SpeakingOut movement is forcing some independent wrestling companies to make changes to make everyone feel safe and to rid the business of some of the people who create an unsafe working environment. However, one thing that some people point to as problematic is the existence of intergender wrestling. While most wrestlers are professional, some will use these matches to do inappropriate things with women.

Former WWE/WCW star Lance Storm says intergender wrestling needs to stop. He says he has heard from many women who were uncomfortable with doing those matches but they went along with it because they felt obligated to do so since these matches are being accepted as the norm.

Storm wrote, “I see some discussion on inter gender wrestling matches again. In light of #SpeakingOut I think these matches have to stop. I’ve heard from so many women who were uncomfortable doing these but felt obligated to get booked because these matches were accepted ‘norms’.”

Many fans agree with Storm and others have respectfully explained why they think intergender wrestling is a good thing but he’s also had to deal with trolls who can’t respectfully state why they disagree with him. Here are some of the responses from Storm on Twitter:

While there are some (men and women) who agree with Storm’s opinion on intergender wrestling, there are others who disagree, as seen by Kylie Rae’s tweet from 8/3:

UPDATE: Kylie Rae has responded to Lance Storm’s tweets:

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