Latest poll indicates that WWE may have made a mistake with Becky Lynch’s heel turn

The talk coming out of this week’s Smackdown Live was how the fans refused to boo Becky Lynch even after she cut a heel promo on the crowd. It was one of the main topics on wrestling Twitter and it seems like an overwhelming amount of fans believe that WWE should have switched the roles with Charlotte Flair being the heel and Lynch playing the babyface. Flair herself has said in interviews that she prefers being a heel.

WWE Producer “Road Dogg” Brian James apparently disagrees with the fans. He wrote on Twitter: “That’s not the story you were told, that’s the story you wanted to hear. She had to do the exact same thing as Charlotte did, beat Carmella! They both climbed the exact same mountain.”

We’ll see if the fans are willing to follow along with creative’s plans but, if the recent poll is any indication, it looks like WWE is setting up Flair to be the female version of Roman Reigns. A whopping 94% of the people that participated in the poll say that they were rooting for Lynch the entire time when she was trying to win the Smackdown Women’s Championship.

Here is the poll with the results:

Did you support Becky Lynch the entire time she was trying to win the SmackDown Women’s Title?

94% – Yes, I was rooting for her the whole way.
6% – Yes, but only until Charlotte Flair got involved.

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