Lita talks about the call from Stephanie McMahon about the Hall of Fame and more

Lita was interviewed for the Miami Herald and talked the WWE Hall of Fame, retirement, and more. Here are some highlights:

On getting the call while she was in Nicaragua:

“[WWE Chief Brand Officer] Stephanie McMahon was texting with me,” Dumas said. “She was feeling me out telling me the office has been trying to get in touch with me. She asked if I could call the office. She was doing the whole talking to me as a friend, but being a little vague.

“She said, ‘The office just has something they would like to talk to you about. I believe that it’s regarding WrestleMania. So maybe it’s the weekend surrounding it? I’m not really sure, so just give them a call.’ I was like, ‘All right weirdo. Sure.’ Then I called, and they asked me if I would accept the honor of being in their Hall of Fame.”

Lita also revealed that she encouraged WWE to hire Mickie James:
“Mickie, I knew from the indies and encouraged the office to hire her,” Dumas said. “ So as far as personally to be able to have my last WWE match with her and have her grow as a talent, we had a great working relationship and a great personal relationship. So I was happy to be out there with her. I could have done without my post-match of Cryme Tyme coming out selling props and my personal belongings, but having my last match with Mickie James, she is great. She is talented. I liked working with her.”

She also talks about her thoughts on the Brock Lesnar vs. Undertaker match, the current roster of Divas, what she’s been doing since retiring, Matt Hardy, Jeff, Hardy, Edge and more. You can read the entire interview by clicking here.

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