Live notes on the crowd reaction to Undertaker’s loss and more

Here are some quick notes from the arena last night:

There were actually some fans that left the building after the Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar match in disgust at what they just saw. Much of the building did not know what happened until they flashed the 21-1 on the big screen.

There were some people crying in the crowd. The Taker loss killed the crowd for the divas match. They were in a tough spot regardless of the outcome but it was much worse with the Taker loss. It kind of killed the crowd for the main event but they got into it when Steph and Triple H got involved.

For those wondering, Sasha Banks, Charlotte, and Alexis Bliss from NXT were the girls that were out on the stage for Triple H’s entrance.

Prior to the event I spoke with someone at WWE and they mentioned that they are already working on ideas for WrestleMania 31 believe it or not and next year’s show will be the most innovate WrestleMania ever. Apparently they have some sort of deal with the stadium set up and every fan will be part of something. I don’t know what it is but it’s supposed to be really cool.

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