MAJOR news on CM Punk and Steve Austin (possible spoiler)

There is a report on WrestleZone today about an angle that was pitched to CM Punk and Stone Cold Steve Austin for WrestleMania 30. According to the report, this would be something for the end of the show which would see Austin giving Punk a stunner to set up a match for WrestleMania 31. There is no word on if Punk has agreed to the angle.

As we noted earlier, Punk was in the Chicago area last night but that does not mean that he won’t fly in at the last possible moment so he could appear at WrestleMania.

Austin has said on his podcast that he would not fly into New Orleans to just sit around and attend. He would only fly in if there was something interesting for him to do. We’ll find out tomorrow if the Punk angle is what convinced Austin to be at Mania.

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