Matt Cardona: ‘If WWE or AEW, or Marvel Studios, Whoever Calls Me Up Right Now, I’d Have a Conversation’

In an exclusive for, Steve Fall spoke with former WWE star Matt Cardona. We have some highlights below but also be sure to click on the videos below for the full interview.

Matt Cardona said he would have a conversation with WWE, AEW, or Marvel if they called him up:

“If WWE or AEW, or Marvel Studios, whoever calls me up right now, I’d have a conversation, right? But it’s all about the two C’s, the cash and creative.”

Matt Cardona on working with Stephanie De Lander:

“Long story short, Chelsea Green went to WWE. Brian Myers signed with Impact full-time and was doing less Indies and they’re kind of, you know, that’s my whole package. You know, Matt Cardona comes out, but then here’s Chelsea Green. Here’s Brian Myers. Oh, Hornswoggle is under the ring. So without Chelsea and Brian, I felt naked out there and I knew I needed somebody. I didn’t know who it was going to be. Then I was in Australia for World Series Wrestling. I saw Steph DeLander. She’s just as tall as me. Looks like she can kick my ass. Piercings, blonde bangs, tattoos. This is it. So I called Chelsea and said, ‘Hey, would you mind if I pitched to travel the world with this chick’, and she said, ‘Yeah.’ Then Steph was on board and I was like, ‘Alright, well, let’s fu**ing go.’ I got the promoter to, that tour, put us together. I said, ‘Okay, well now we got to do it next week.’ It’s hard, you know, like I said, my rates got high anyway. So it’s kind of hard like, ‘Oh, by the way promoters, you got to add this girl, pay her, put her up.’ Everyone’s like, ‘No way’. Okay. Well fu** this. I’ll do it. I’ll fly her in. I’ll pay her. I’ll put her up because I believe in it and I know the investment will pay off and it has because these promoters took one look at her and said, ‘Oh, shit’, and the rest is history really. We put out these videos every single week. We’ve been in England. We’re going to Japan. We were in Australia already. We’re going back to Australia. So we’re taken over and whether you like it or not, we’re gonna force this down your throat.”

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