Matt Hardy: “I wish I could run my own creative”

Matt Hardy recently spoke with TalkSport about a wide range of topics including his pro wrestling career.

Hardy is known for being creative as he constantly reinvents himself on television. His Broken character is the best example of that as when he was in Impact Wrestling as it was one of the most over characters and most-watch segments that the company had at the time.

In this interview, he talked about his new ‘You Don’t Know How Hard It Is To Be Matt Hardy’ gimmick that he’s been doing on social media. According to Hardy, he wishes that he was more free regarding creative of his character,

“You can take this great scenario you’re in and there’s one or two snags and that’s what people will bitch about and that’s where ‘You Don’t Know How Hard It Is To Be Matt Hardy’ came from,” he said. “I have other things I would be interested in doing. I love giving creative ideas. I wish I could run my own creative, in fact. I feel like that’s part of the fun of being an artist at my age. Even before, I was probably a little less confident in my abilities to change or do something different and pull it off and make people buy into it but now I love it and I welcome the challenge.”

Hardy has been on-and-off WWE television since returning to the company at WrestleMania 33 in 2017 that includes runs with his brother Jeff. In 2018 he was in a program with Bray Wyatt that eventually saw them win the Raw Tag Team Championships.

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