Matt Riddle had a tense meeting with Goldberg backstage at WWE SummerSlam

Matt Riddle finally got to meet Goldberg and it happened backstage at SummerSlam in Toronto.

During the WWE Watch Along show that aired on Facebook during the broadcast, Riddle says he met Goldberg by his locker room and, based on his account of what went down, it sounded like a tense meeting.

Here is what Riddle said about what happened backstage:

“I’m walking by and I see his locker room. I’ve already seen Brock’s but I see Goldberg’s locker room and I’m trying to get a peek. And I’m looking … all of a sudden, pow! Big Shoulder, 300 pounds at least. I look up and it’s Bill Goldberg. He goes, ‘oh, we got some talking to do!’ And I’m like, ‘well we can talk anytime bro!’ and he’s like, ‘yeah?’ And I’m like, ‘yeah!’ And I was like, ‘alright, bro, well anytime.’ And he’s like,’I’m not your bro.’ And I’m like, ‘Alright, bro, like take it easy, whatever’ And then he’s like, ‘yeah, we’ll see. I’ll see ya later. And I was like hey, it was a pleasure meeting you.’ And I go, ‘the pleasure was all mine, bro.’ And then he goes, ‘I’m not your bro.’ And then I walked away and I had to come here.”

Riddle has been trash talking Goldberg for a couple of years so everything he says comes across as a shoot but I wouldn’t be shocked if this gets turned into an angle at some point.

Click below to hear Riddle talk about meeting Goldberg backstage:

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