Matt Riddle’s first WWE NXT feud getting underway

It looks like Matt Riddle could be working with two big names on WWE NXT after just signing with the company last month. On last night’s (Wed. September 12, 2018) episode of NXT, Kassius Ohno called out Riddle. He said that he’s tired of being forgotten about whenever NXT gets a new “toy.”

He then asked NXT General Manager William Regal to let him know when his new toy shows up, referencing Riddle by saying “bro.” With that being said, it looks like Riddle could be working a program with Ohno right off the bat. It also looks like Velveteen Dream could be getting in on the mix as well.

Dream Tweeted out the following, mocking Riddle by using his “bro” catchphrase as well:

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