Matt Says He And Jeff Hardy Are ‘very Happy’ In TNA, Return To WWE Or AEW Is A ‘Never Say Never Scenario’

Matt Hardy took questions from fans on the latest “Extreme Life of Matt Hardy” podcast. Matt answered questions related to his current run in TNA, The Young Bucks, WWE, AEW and other topics.

Matt Hardy on working on a possible reality show:

“Something we’ve been working on very heavily, which we did a lot this week, is a reality show for House Hardy. That’s something we talked to some pretty important people about. We’ve been working on that. That’s something that’s a work in progress that’s taking up a lot of our time. We got a lot of items in the fire here at House Hardy. I’m feeling really good. I’m feeling really optimistic about the future and what’s going on. I’m very happy with the career path I’ve chosen recently doing TNA. I’m very happy with how things have been going in TNA. I’m very happy with all these outside projects that we’re working on. It’s given us the opportunity to expand our horizons when it comes to stuff like that.”

Matt Hardy on The Hardys working for TNA and if they would return to AEW or WWE:

“We are both very, very happy. We’re extremely happy with how TNA is going right now. We’re going to be continuing this for a while. We just actually talked about some creative stuff going through the end of this year right now. That’s very exciting. We did what we have. As far as going to WWE or AEW, it’s a never say never scenario in my world. In the extreme life of Matt Hardy, it’s a never say never. You never rule anything out. You never close any doors on anything. You do your best, you keep your chin up, you keep moving forward and try to speak as honestly and as transparently as possible. It’s one of those things. If we ended up back in AEW to do something, yea, we wouldn’t be opposed to that, especially if it is something that sounded really, really good that we were very intrigued by. With WWE, there’s still been some ongoing conversation with WWE, so yea, anything can happen in the extreme life of Matt Hardy.”

Matt Hardy’s podcast drops every Friday at If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit with a h/t to for the transcription.

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