Memphis attorney raises questions about Brian Christopher Lawler’s death

As previously noted, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation confirmed that Brian Christopher Lawler was found hanging in his jail cell and never recovered. Jerry Lawler told FOX 13 in Memphis, “There may be more to this than meets the eye.”

Now, a Memphis attorney is raising questions about the circumstances around Brian’s death. “What is the TBI going to do? What documentation are they looking at? Are they looking at surveillance video? I want to know more. If it is my son and my client? I want to know more,” said attorney Jeff Rosenblum.

He said that Brian’s family should demand answers about what happened to Brian. “Most suicides are preventable, and most suicides in confinement are and should be prevented,” said Rosenblum.

Hardeman County Sheriff John Doolen said in a statement that Brian did not show suicidal tendencies. On Sunday, Dave Meltzer reported what a Lawler friend told him about a suicide attempt from a few years ago.

You can see the story from FOX 13 below:

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