Michael Cole: Vince McMahon Would Say Inappropriate Things To Me And I Told Him That Was Bulls**t

Michael Cole has worked for WWE and Vince McMahon for decades, first as an interviewer before moving to the broadcast booth in 1999.

With that job, he had to deal with Vince McMahon in his ear, giving him various talking points. Over the years, various people have talked about how McMahon would yell and say inappropriate things to them in their headsets.

McMahon exited the company after former WWE employee Janel Grant filed a lawsuit against Vince McMahon, WWE, and John Laurinaitis, alleging sex trafficking and sexual abuse.

While speaking with  Bryan Curtis of The Ringer, Cole talked about his dealings with the former WWE CEO and Chairman.

Cole said, “I’m not going to lie. There have been times where he has said things to me that were inappropriate. I would go back to Gorilla after the show and get in his face and tell him, ‘That was bullshit.’ He respected that I did that. Over the next few years, people still didn’t accept me because they looked at me as being a puppet for Vince. And I think some of that probably was true. Listen, I’m not a rebel. I’m here to make money and take care of my family and provide myself a good living. And when your boss asks you to do something, you do it. I still think, at that time, I was a hell of a good announcer.”

Cole also confirmed in this interview that he signed a new deal with WWE in the spring.

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