Mick Foley chose compassion over condemnation on the Hulk Hogan situation

WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley posted a new blog on his Facebook page to point out what fans should consider before either defending or attacking Hulk Hogan for his racist comments.

This is what Foley posted:


My first instinct when I heard the breaking news of Hulk Hogan’s racist words was to pile on – to get a laugh with a funny comment, or a flood of “likes” and shares with any number of funny memes that had been quickly created for the occasion. Instead, I have tried to understand how a man I believe to be fundamentally good could use language and hold thoughts so ugly and hurtful to so many. The Hulkster messed up – no doubt about it. He’s paying a heavy price for his words now, and will continue to pay an emotional toll for years to come.

Yesterday, after thinking about all the stories I’d been told about Hulk’s history of bringing joy to the lives of children facing life-threatening challenges, I chose compassion over condemnation. Maybe this beautiful poem from his daughter Brooke will help you find some compassion in your heart for The Hulkster too.

Click here to read the Brooke Hogan poem.


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