Mick Foley writes about CM Punk and says that Punk was always in pain

Mick Foley has a post up on facebook on CM Punk. Yesterday Foley reposted a funny photo of someone holding a milk carton with a photo of CM Punk on it that read “have you see this person?” Foley got a ton of responses from fans that criticized Punk for leaving WWE and he responded to fans with a post today. He noted that every time he saw Punk he was always in pain and made regular visits to the trainer.

Yes, the response to that funny photo of CM Punk on a milk carton was incredible. While I respect everybody’s opinion – as long as it is given in a respectful way, I have to disagree with those out there who find great fault in Punk’s simply walk away. I am kind of like a ghost that drifts in and out of WWE, but in my past three years of drifting, I have never been to a WWE event where Punk was not in considerable pain. Ice packs, heating pads, and visits to the trainer were as much a part of his daily routine as eating. sleeping, and wrestling. Performing at that level, in that degree of pain was only possible when accompanied by the passion that turned an unlikely Indy kid into one of the greatest WWE superstars of his generation. Once that passions gone, then so are all of the things that made him great. I know what it feels like to go through the motions, and to do what needs to be done solely for the paycheck. It’s not pretty – and though I have not talked to Punk since the night before he left, I have to believe he has too much respect for what he does to let people see him going through the motions. If or when that day comes when CM punk returns to WWE, I hope it’s with that same passion that made so many of you care about him to begin with.

You can visit Foley’s facebook page by clicking here.

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