Mick Foley writing memoir, new episode of WWE Ride Along airing this Sunday

– A brand new episode of WWE Ride Along will air on the WWE Network after Sunday’s Clash of Champions PPV event goes off the air. JBL and Byron Saxton plus Ric Flair and Charlotte will be featured on the episode. Here is the synopsis for the episode:

“Michael Cole, JBL and Byron Saxton experience hilarity, while Ric Flair and Charlotte encounter hostility on their road trip to Baltimore.”

– WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley mentioned on his official Facebook page that he is working on a new memoir. He posted this:


I have been working on a new memoir about my experiences in the red suit as one of Santa’s ambassadors. It’s been a fun and rewarding project, being written only in places where Christmas spirit lives all year round. So, unlike past books, I’m not writing on airplanes, locker rooms, hotels or emergency rooms. Just places like Jefferson, New Hampshire’s “Santa’s Village”, where I did some writing in Santa’s house in the original 1953 rocking chairs from the park’s opening. This past week, I made it to Indianapolis for #ClashOfChampions by way of #SantaClaus Indiana, where I wrote from #SantasCandyCastle the 1935 landmark believed to be America’s oldest themed attraction, and from the very spot where Santa Claus first greeted guests at #HolidayWorld originally known as#SantaClausLand when the park opened 70 years ago.

I am not under the impression that this is going to be a big seller by any means – so it’s something I’m doing just for fun, because it is important to me. It’s not going to be controversial. I won’t be slinging any dirt or making anybody look bad . But there will be a surprising amount of wrestling in this book – as everything I have learned in life revolves around sports entertainment.

Who’s going to be adding this book to their Christmas wish list in 2017.”

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