Mike Chioda on if he enjoyed working house shows, what he would do if WWE asked him to return

On the latest episode of “Monday Mailbag,” Mike Chioda talks about the worst injury he suffered, his thoughts on AJ Styles, and he shares a fun story about the Big Boss Man.

You can listen to the entire show at AdFreeShows.com. Here are some highlights:

Mike Chioda was asked if he enjoyed working house shows?

“Yea, much more. You can go to live events years ago and you work at Madison Square Garden and make $2000 a night as a referee. When you work the Garden, you can make $2500. Of course, those days were long gone after a while. When you go to Philadelphia, New York, The Meadowlands, you can make some good money as a referee at these live events and have fun. TV’s are much more stressful.”

“Did you ever get an offer to go to WCW”

“No, I never did and to be honest with you, and no disrespect, but I never wanted to. There never was any need to. WWF/WWE was my home. It became what company was going to take down what company. When you’re working with the WWF at the time, you don’t want to lose your job to another company.”

“Do you think WWE will ever offer you your job back and would you take it?”

“Of course I would take my job back. Maybe they would get me back as a referee, but I don’t know if they will do that. They went this far to let me go after 35 years. But maybe they would call me back to do something, but I wouldn’t deny the fact. I love the business and I love the company I worked for, the family I worked with for 35 years. I would go back and work there. If there was another position in the company besides referring, I would love to do it.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit “Mailbag Monday with Mike Chioda on AdFreeShows.com” with a h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription.

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