Mo from Men on a Mission hospitalized in the ICU due to COVID-19 complications has learned that Mo (Bobby Horne) from the 90’s WWE tag team Men on a Mission is currently hospitalized in the ICU and battling COVID-19. We’re told that things took a turn for the worse about three weeks ago.

The former WWE Tag Team Champion had to have a liver transplant but doctors are concerned about his body rejecting the new liver. The virus has also affected his GI tract. Prior to this, he had been dealing with other health issues in recent years. In 2018, he got a kidney transplant and he was told at the time that he would need to take anti-rejection medication for the rest of his life.

Horne began his wrestling career in 1991 alongside Nelson Frazier as the Harlem Knights on the independent scene in the Carolinas. They moved to the United States Wrestling Association in 1993 but most fans would remember Horne and Frazier as Mo and Mabel. They wrestled as the Men on a Mission tag team with Oscar as their manager for most of their run from 1993 until 1996. Horne continued to wrestle on the independent scene as late as two years ago.

Everyone at wishes Horne a speedy and full recovery.

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