Full Monday Night Raw results for 5/19/14 (SPOILERS FOR USA NETWORK)

Monday Night Raw spoilers (airs tonight on USA Network)

The show started with a Wyatt Family promo. I’m told that Bray cut an amazing promo. The crowd sung along with him. Cena’s music hits. Harper and Rowan run up to attack but Cena comes out from the crowd and attacks Bray. Cena leaves through the crowd.

Cesaro beat Sheamus with a German suplex. Sheamus got tons of boos and Heyman and Cesaro were over big time with the crowd.

Beat The Clock challenge. Winner of the Beat the Clock faces Bad News Barrett at Payback.

BTC match 1 is Ryback vs. Big E. Big E defeated Ryback with the big ending.

Fandango and Layla vs. R-Truth and Naomi doesn’t happen because Layla gets attacked by the returning Summer Rae after Summer Rae kissed Fandango.

Daniel Bryan’s music hits but Stephanie McMahon walked out and announced that Daniel Bryan will need to hand over the WWE title on next week’s Raw so he is being stripped of the title. Many people had trouble hearing her promo because she was drowned out by massive CM Punk chants. In her promo she said that she wondered who she would award the title to. She asks if she should give it to Kane, or Bad News Barrett (that got a big pop), or Triple H.

Rusev defeated Heath Slater – Lana cut her promo before the match. Rusev beat up all three members of 3MB before the match.

Backstage segment with the Shield. Rolins talks about is match with Batista later. Reigns has a scar over his eye from the show over the weekend.

BTC match 2 is RVD vs. Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio wins with seconds left so he’s alive in the tournament.

John Cena cut a backstage segment with Renee Young and The Usos. He’s bringing The Usos with him for his match with Luke Harper.

Batista faced Seth Rollins but Batista didn’t come alone. Triple H was the guest announcer and Randy Orton was guest timekeeper. That was what they planned for Raw a couple of weeks ago but they scrapped it. Rollins won the match by DQ due to Triple H’s interference. Reigns speared Batista. Evolution retreated. This was a great match.

Paige vs. Alicia Fox is up next. Paige got a huge pop from the crowd. Paige loses (non-title) so it looks like they’ll wrestle for the title at Payback. Alicia went nuts again and dumped a drink on herself.

Final Beat the Clock match – Dolph Ziggler vs. Mark Henry. They don’t beat the clock so RVD is the winner.

John Cena vs. Luke Harper is next. Lots of Cena chants and Cena sucks chants.

Rob Van Dam comes out but he’s attacked by Barrett with the title. Barrett told RVD that he has some BAD NEWS. Barrett got a massive pop. So RVD vs. Bad News Barrett is set for Payback.

There was an Adam Rose segment in the ring. He got over huge in London so that may be good news for the character. Basically, he was interviewed by Renee. Rose tells Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger not to be lemons. Swagger interrupts and says he doesn’t know how Rose got into the UK or the US. A brawl breaks up but Rose wins the brawl. The crowd is into everything Rose did and sang along with the song too.

John Cena (Usos at ringside) wins by DQ over Luke Harper. Cena had the match won after the AA but Rowan ran in to break it up and the ref called for the match. The Wyatts beat on Cena after the match. Bray hits Sister Abigail on the stage. The last thing for the TV broadcast is Bray singing while Harper does a 10 count on Cena.

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