Mr. T comments on being told to wrap up his Hall of Fame speech

Mr. T posted the following on twitter today:

To my fans:

Thank you very much for all your support! I am very disappointed and saddened that you couldn’t hear the rest of my speech… I was told my speech went too long? Really? Seriously? Matthew 10:32-33

All the inductees were told that you, “the fans, wanted to hear our stories”, to take our time and enjoy the moment but something…

I was deeply moved by the outpouring of support you showed me after my HOF speech was cut short.

Soon I will post the remainder of my speech for you to read. Thank you for your support.

My mother taught me to stand up for what I believed in. I put a lot of care and love into my speech… I wanted it to inspire and motivate people when they are hurting.

Since my mother taught me to always try and take the high road, I will. If my speech helped just 1 mother & 1 son out there, thank you GOD!

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