Navy NCIS Documents Show That Ashley Massaro Was Treated At Camp LSA In 2006 Around When She Was Sexually Assaulted

BJ Bethel, formerly from FOX19 WXIX in Cincinnati and current writer, posted documents from Navy NCIS that show that former WWE star Ashley Massaro was treated at Camp LSA in July 2006. This would be around the time when she said that she was sexually assaulted by someone who claimed to be a doctor while WWE was there for a tour of Kuwait.

WWE previously claimed that they were never made aware that she was sexually assaulted. John Laurinaitis, through his attorney, said that top level management did know but he denied that there was a cover-up.

Per the documents, NCIS stated the following on the case being closed:

“To date, no subject, scene, or witnesses have been identified. The reported victim is deceased, and no prosecutorial venue exists within the NCISRU Corpus Christi, TX area of responsibly.”

Bethel noted that a Lieutenant Physician’s Assistant who was interviewed as part of the investigation was not mentioned in the report he received after he sent a FOIA request to NCIS last month.

This investigation is in addition to investigations conducted by the ARMY and the Air Force. Massaro committed suicide in 2019. 

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