New match set for Tuesday’s WWE NXT

A new match has been confirmed for Tuesday’s NXT 2.0, which will be the one-year anniversary episode since WWE rebranded NXT.

WWE announced today that Fallon Henley vs. Lash Legend has been added to the card after they have been feuding as of late. Henley aligned with Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen, and Legend aligned with Pretty Deadly.

On the go-home edition of NXT for Worlds collide, Legend & Pretty Deadly defeated Henley, Briggs & Jensen. Pretty Deadly won a four-way match to become the unified NXT Tag Team Champions at the special.

Here is the updated card for the show:

NXT North American Champion Carmelo Hayes vs. Von Wagner, Wes Lee, or Joe Gacy – a fan vote will determine Hayes’ challenger.

NXT Tag Team Champions Pretty Deadly vs. The Creed Brothers – a fan vote will determine whether this is a tornado tag match, a no DQ match, or a steel cage match

Tony D’Angelo & Stacks vs. Cameron Grimes and a partner to be determined

Nikkita Lyons & Zoey Stark vs. Kiana James & Arianna Grace

Hank Walker vs. Javier Bernal

Fallon Henley vs. Lash Legend

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