Nikki Bella: Keep Tuning In Because You Will See Another Fearless Nikki Appearance Sooner Than Later

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On the latest episode of SiriusXM’s The Nikki and Brie Show, Nikki tells you everything you want to know about her wrestling return. Over the weekend, Nikki was in Indianapolis for the Royal Rumble, and she has a lot to say about the comeback.

Some of the show highlights you’ll want to hear include Training with Nattie and what Nattie said to Nikki that changed everything, reconnecting with old friends, what made her gear for the Rumble so special, the walkout to the ring with the crowd reaction and much more.

The Nikki & Brie Show hosted by Nikki & Brie Garcia is available anytime on the SiriusXM app. New episodes every Monday and Wednesday. Listen to the full episode HERE.

Nikki Reveals Training Leading Up to Royal Rumble

Nikki Garcia: I could finally talk about my three weeks leading up to it. The days that I didn’t have Matteo, I would like drop him off and go straight to the airport and catch a flight to Orlando and I would train for two to three nights at the PC. I did that two weeks straight and then I was able to get to Tampa to train with Nattie and in her heart dungeon 2.0. And it was just amazing being in there the past three weeks. I couldn’t believe like how much my body remembered, but how much I was loving it, how I didn’t need to take Tylenol every day. I was like, “Wow, I’m really just adapting to this quick,” and it was just really making me excited for this return. Well keep tuning in because you will see another Fearless Nikki appearance sooner than later that is for sure.

Nikki Found ‘Her Inner F*** You’

Nikki Garcia: This time around preparing for this run, Nattie has been just already such a key piece for me because she knows me best when it comes to wrestling. She knows my personality, she knows how I move. And that was a big part of being Nikki Bella was she oozed confidence and I felt that. It was so cute because before my music hit at :30 and I walked out, Nattie came running into Gorilla. She’s like, “You need to find your inner ‘fuck you’ so you can deliver, so you can be who you were.” So she comes running into Gorilla, like as it’s on, like counting down to :10. And she literally grabs me and she goes, “Go give them your ‘fuck you.’ You go find it.”  And oh my God, it’s gonna make me cry. It was like such a moment with Nattie. Nattie is the most incredible person you’ll ever meet. And I did. I found my inner you ‘fuck you.’ And I’m excited to find that more as I do more in the ring at WWE.

Nikki on Nia Jax & Royal Rumble Finish

Nikki Garcia: Buddy cannot let it go that I didn’t win the Royal Rumble. Buddy like wants to take on Nia Jax because she’s one who eliminated me and he was so upset that Dodo didn’t win. Like he couldn’t believe it, that the next morning when he woke up, he needed to watch it again ’cause I think maybe he thought the finish would change and again was so upset I didn’t win when he re-watched it. And every time I’ve been on the phone with Brie since he’s like, “But Dodo, why didn’t you win the Royal Rumble?”

Nikki is LOVING The “Total Divas” Love

Nikki Garcia: I’ve been loving the Total Divas love. And this is what’s so fun and I truly hope we do something with it because all of the girls that are there now, the newer ones and even some, I mean, you have some that were Total Diva fans throughout that have talked a lot about it. But so many of the girls now are Total Diva fans. And when I see some of my Total Divas there, I’m like, “Okay, there’s something we need to do here.” Because then even seeing all the fans online, getting really excited about Total Divas reunion and just talking about Total Divas. I just, it’s funny because in Nattie and I kept singing the song and I’m like, “We might have to have a divas takeover at some point, just, you know, for a little bit. But I think we need to do something.” I was telling Brie, I go, Brie I never stopped having conversations with people. I literally, from the moment I walked in ‘till I went to the ring, I was talking with everyone. It was just, it was a big family reunion. And even better because, you know, I was in the locker room, we all were getting ready together and it was just a lot of fun, a lot of fun, a lot of love.

Nikki on Her ‘Fearless Nikki’ Shirt

Nikki Garcia: I just have to tell you guys about my shirt. So we dropped a Fearless Nikki shirt. It’s vintage, but it’s a little different because I came in a little different. So my swoosh ends in an M for Matteo. By the way, this was WWE Shop’s idea and I’m obsessed. And then they know how I call Matteo, my monkey, monkey baby. It’s what we’ve always called him and we still call him. He’s our little monkey. So they put a little monkey on my eye. So this whole bottom part, this is like the fearless Nikki mom era. And so we have Matteo, and of course I wanted to keep the Bella Twins logo. And then also what we’ve made differently that is always like my jerseys is we put, of course, the Bella 02 on the back.

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