Ongoing Raw coverage (FULL results) – 3/17/14

  • We will start doing live Raw coverage each week. You can refresh this page for updated results and notes throughout the show.
  • The show started with a replay of last week’s events with the Daniel Bryan Occupy Raw segment
  • Opening Segment Triple H came out and said that he would address Daniel Bryan later in the show. Batista came out and said that he has a problem with Triple H. Randy Orton agreed with Batista’s concerns. Triple H assured everyone that there is no possibility of Daniel Bryan winning his match with Triple H. Randy Orton said that he wants to fight Bryan tonight in a NO DQ match. Triple H grants the match. Orton told Batista that the reason are cheering Daniel Bryan is because they don’t believe in him. Orton said that if Batista lived up to his hype they wouldn’t be in this situation. Batista said that the only reason Orton has his titles is because he has Triple H’s support. He called Orton a paper champion. They bickered some more. Triple H said he’s sick of everything. He said he’s sick of “Hollywood movie stars” thinking they know more about the business than he does. He’s sick of technically gifted guys that are so screwed up in the head that they can’t win a match without Hunter holding their hands. Triple H said that the “old man” (Vince) was right and the only one you could trust is yourself. Triple H announced that he will win the triple threat match and he will be entered into the triple threat match. Randy Orton hit the RKO on Batista.
  • Coming up later – John Cena responds to the Wyatt Family. Up next: The Usos take on the Real Americans.
  • Batista told Renee Young that coming back was a big mistake. Cole asked “is he leaving?”
  • A WWE Network commercial aired featuring Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and John Cena.
  • The Usos vs. Real Americans – Jack Swagger cut a promo on the Raw pre-show and there was more dissension between himself and Cesaro. There was a commercial break during this match. These guys always have good matches together. There were some “CM Punk” chants during this match but not as loud as the chants during the pre-show. Towards the end of the match Jay hit a Samoan drop on Cesaro but Cesaro kicked out. Cesaro hit the uppercut and the neutralizer on Jimmy Uso for the win. Cole called it a landmark win. Cole said that this puts them in position for a tag team title opportunity. There was no dissension during the match between the two.
  • Cole plugged WWE Slam City. They showed a sneak peek. They mentioned that Orton vs Bryan is coming up later in a NO DQ match. Commercial break.
  • Back from commercial. They recapped corporate Kane’s issues with The Shield during his match with The Big Show from Smackdown. Back live. Backstage Kane told the Shield that things got out of hand and some bad decisions were made. Kane said that The Authority says that they want a united Shield by Kane’s side. He said that if The Authority can’t trust the Shield then the Shield becomes a liablity. The Shield said “yea, we’re united.” Roman said “believe it.” Back in the arena Hownswaggle came out and handed out St Patricks Day gifts to the audience at ringside. Bad News Barrett put an end to that. Barrett said that most of the fans will spend the holiday getting drunk and wake up with a hangover tomorrow and spending the rest of their lives regretting the shameful things they did.
  • Sheamus vs. Titus O’Neil is next. Titus came out with a green hat and orange goatee. Christian was at ringside doing commentary. Christian said that he would be in the Andre the Giant 30 man battle royal. Hornswaggle remained at ringside for this match. Christian was on fire during commentary and said that JBL looked like David Spade in a fat suit. Titus brought Hornswaggle into the ring and slapped him around. Just as Titus was about to slam him over his head, Sheamus came in for the save. Sheamus hit the clubbing forearms on Titus. Brogue kick, Sheamus gets the win. Looks like the company may have soured on Titus. This seemed more like a squash. Renee did an interview mid-ring with Sheamus. Sheamus wished everyone a happy St Patty’s day. He called Titus “Titarse”. Sheamus also entered his name in the Andre the Giant battle royal. As Sheamus was leaving the ring Christian attacked Sheamus, threw him into the steel steps and then hit the killswitch on the mats outside. Hornswaggle looked sad. I guess Hornswaggle will be with Sheamus going forward. Up next: Cena responds to the Wyatt Family. WrestleMania 30 commercial aired featuring Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar. Commercial break.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger and Joe Manganiello guest star on next week’s Raw. They also announced that Scooby Doo and the Mystery Machine would be on Raw.
  • 2nd hour opening segment. John Cena comes out. Cena revealed that he is afraid of Bray Wyatt and he said that Bray will stop at nothing to destroy Cena’s legacy. He said that Bray is trying to convince the fans that “all this is phony and that I am not what I say I am.” He said Wyatt is trying to convince the fans that Cena is filled with evil. Cena said that at WrestleMania he will fight for everything. He will fight for his legacy. Bray came up on the big screen. He was wearing a John Cena shirt. Wyatt talked about his childhood and talked about his scars. He said the world gave him the scars. Wyatt said he could go home to his plastic girlfriend in his castle like Cena does but Wyatt said he is different and different than anyone he ever faces. Wyatt said he doesn’t care if he dies as long as the world sees Cena the way that he does. Cena sucks chants from the crowd. That was the end of the segment. Up next: Bryan vs. Orton, No DQ. A Scooby Doo commercial aired.
  • Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan – Good match between these two. Orton seems motivated lately. Late in the match Bryan hit Orton with kendo stick shots as retaliation for earlier in the match. Orton hit Bryan with chair chots. Batista came out of nowhere and hit Orton with a spear causing Bryan to win the match. Bryan drop kicked Batista out of the ring. The way it played out it wasn’t Batista trying to help out Bryan. After the match Batista hit Orton with the sitdown Batista Bomb. They are really hammering home the “Batista didn’t live up to his hype” storyline. Michael Cole thanked the fans for subscribing to the WWE Network. Cole said that the one week trial offer ends on Saturday. They went through the steps on how to sign up for the network. Up next: Paul Heyman with a message for The Undertaker.
  • Paul Heyman/Stephanie McMahon/Triple H – Paul Heyman comes out. He says that he came to illustrate the point that Undertakers last several victories have been against challengers that he barely survived. He said that Brock Lesnar has proven his dominance over those same opponents. Paul presented footage of Brock Lesnar The Undetaker’s history of WrestleMania matches. The voiceover said that Taker now finds himself falling victim to the hands of time. Then they featured Brock Lesnar destroying the same opponents that Undertaker beat over the years. Heyman said that The Undertaker’s vaunted streak will be conquered by Brock Lesnar. He said that The Undertaker and the streak shall rest in peace. They cut back to the announcers table. Then they cut to the back with Stephanie McMahon and Triple H. Stephanie said that Bryan disrespected the family and spit in the eye of the McMahon family legacy. Triple H said that he’s just going to the ring tonight to talk to Daniel Bryan. Steph asked what happens when Triple H wins the title, what happens to business, what happens to the family when Triple H is back on the road. Triple H said to leave it to him because he’ll take care of business. Steph’s last words were “you better.”
  • Fandango vs. Goldust is up next. Cody Rhodes and Goldust mocked Fandango’s dance as they came down to the ring.  During the match the taunts continued. Goldust scared Summer Rae off the ring apron but Cody caught her. She seemed happy that Cody was holding her. Not sure if Goldust was hurt but Fandango had to try twice to suplex Goldust. Goldust won the match. A so-so match. Goldust had a cut over his eye so it looks like he was dazed when they butted heads. He was frustrated and kicked the turnbuckle after the match. Kane was shown backstage. Total Divas promo aired.
  • The Undertaker will be on WWE Main Event LIVE tomorrow night.
  • Kane/Shield/Jerry Lawler segment. Kane came out and said that on behalf of The Authority he concluded (based on an investigation) that Daniel Bryan could not pull off the stunt last week without help. He said that they will take action on Jerry “The King” Lawler because he feels that Bryan needed help from Jerry’s hometown fans. He asked Lawler to come in the ring. Lawler didn’t go in. The Shield came down and surrounded the announcers table. They told Lawler to get in the ring. Kane took off his suit jacket. Kane said that Lawler isn’t exactly in fighting shape and he’s not going to enjoy what he’s about to do. He asked Lawler if he had anything to say for himself. Seth Rollins grabbed the microphone and said that he sees the look in Lawler’s eyes. He said that he has a good feeling that Daniel Bryan is not coming to save Lawler. Rollins also said that The Shield always does whats best for business. Swerve….they turned around towards Kane. The Shield attacked Kane. Kane tried to fight back but he was hit by a kick from Rollins and spear from Reigns. Then they hit him with the triple power bomb. Looks like a face turn for The Shield. JBL said “these guys have gone rogue.” They aired a WrestleMania 30 commercial with the Kid Rock theme.
  • The Funkadactyls vs.  Tamina Snuka and AJ Lee – The Bella Twins are ringside on commentary. Naomi had a patch over her eye to protect her eye injury. AJ tried to get the black widow but Naomi countered with a slam. Naomi hit the split leg moonsaut and pinned AJ. Naomi looked good and hasn’t lost a step. After the match AJ berated Tamina and said blamed the loss on Tamina. Tamina shoved AJ. It still looks to me like they’re setting up an AJ vs. Tamina match for WrestleMania or perhaps a multi-women’s match at WrestleMania. They aired a WWE 2K14 segement. The next WWE Hall of Fame inductee will be announced next.
  • Mr. T is announced as the next member of the WWE Hall of Fame. The news was released earlier today by WWE on the TMZ website. Then they replayed Hulk Hogan’s WrestleMania 30 announcement from last week. They brought out participants from that battle royal to compete.
  • Big Show, Dolph Ziggler, Big E, and Mark Henry vs. Curtis Axel, Damien Sandow, Ryback, and Alberto Del Rio – Everyone threw everyone out of the ring via over the top rope. Big Show stood tall after hitting the chokeslam and getting the pin on Sandow. The announcers said that Big Show is the favorite in the battle royal. They recapped the Bryan/Orton/Batista events from earlier tonight. Renee caught up with Batista backstage. Batista said that he didn’t care if it was Triple H or Daniel Bryan, he would be leaving WrestleMania with the title. Up next, Bray Wyatt in action. They aired the WWE Network commercial with the Bellas giving instructions on how to order and watch. They plugged The Undertaker again for WWE Main Event tomorrow. Also, John Cena vs. Luke Harper this Friday night on Smackdown.
  • Kofi Kingston vs. Bray Wyatt – Kofi got the jobber entrance since he was already in the ring when they came back from commercial. As Bray walked to the ring they played a great video hyping Cena/Wyatt with the Eminem song “Legacy” playing. This was just a math to showcase Bray Wyatt. Wyatt dominated the match. He beat Kofi with the Sister Abigail. Up next: Triple H in the ring with Daniel Bryan. They showed  a preview of the new WWE Studios film “Oculus”.
  • Daniel Bryan/Triple H final segment – Triple H told Bryan that he has no choice but to put an end to the YES movement and the uprising. He said that he had to do it because it’s not personal and “no hard feelings”. He offered to shake Bryan’s hand. Bryan refused. Triple H said that he’s dumped a world on top of Bryan and yet Bryan is still standing. The fans chanted for Bryan. Triple H said that the fans respect him because they’ve seen him walk through a mountain of crap that Triple H dumped on him. Then CM Punk chants broke out. Triple H said that Bryan earned his respect. As Triple H was leaving the ring Stephanie walked out and said that she is formally pressing charges for last week. She called out officers to arrest Daniel Bryan. Police officers that looked like indy wrestlers came out to arrest Bryan. Triple H and Stephanie argued. The cops handcuffed Daniel Bryan. The announcers noted that they used excessive force even though he didn’t try to resist. Triple H told the cops to get off of him. He said that’s not what he wanted. He told them to back off. He said “after all, you’re not even real cops.” Then Triple H proceeded to stomp on Bryan while Bryan was handcuffed revealing that the whole thing was a set up. Triple H pulled Bryan out of the ring and rammed him into the steel steps and then the announcers table. Bryan tried to fight back but couldn’t sustain. Triple H slammed him back first on the announce table. That looked like it hurt bad. Then he slammed Bryan into the barricade. Triple H kept beating on Bryan and ripped off Bryan’s shirt. Stephanie proceeded to slap Bryan and then Triple H put Bryan’s head next to the steel post and smashed his head with a chair. Triple H hit the pedigree and then grabbed the mic. “My ring, our ring, our show..this belongs to us. There is no YES movement!” The shoe ended with Triple H’s music playing. They went extra long tonight. They didn’t end until 11:18pm eastern.

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