OVW TV Report (airs 12/21/13)

by Jimmie Daniel

This is a recap of OVW TV Episode 748 that will be aired in Louisville on 12/21 and is available online at http://www.ovwrestling.com/tv/748

OUR OVW Announce Team of Dean Hill, “Anchorman” Gilbert Corsey, and “Rocky Mountain Mouth” Michael Titus inform us that tonight we will have a rematch from last week as the newly-formed duo of Jay Bradley & Rob Terry will take on Rockstar Spud & Ryan Howe! Tonight’s main event is a number one contender’s match for Jamin Olivencia’s OVW Championship between Marcus Anthony and Paredyse!
Flash Flanagan and his blue kendo stick come out to the ring. Flash admits that he had forgotten what fans cheering him sounded like but he won’t forget Shiloh Jonze and the other four Marauders attacking him last week. He is shocked that Trailer Park Trash would come out and help disperse the angry mob and wants to know why. Here comes TPT as the long, storied history between these two is brought up. Flash informs TPT that he doesn’t need nor appreciate TPT’s help. Flash adds that he wants nothing to do with TPT, as he was the reason Flash was out of OVW for so long. The Marauders are his business, not TPT’s, so Flash will go his way and TPT can go his. TPT can’t get a word in edgewise as Flash keeps cutting him off. Jonze and the Marauders (Nick Dumeyer, Raul Lamotta, Clint Poe, and Masked Marauder) come to ringside and are back to their usual ring attire. Jonze (referred to as a prophet, although Dean says he look like the Joker) tells Flash to remind his old buddy TPT that sticking his nose in Marauder business is bad for his health, and there will be consequences and repercussions for doing so. TPT grabs the mic, agrees with Flash and walks away. Marauders circle the ring and attack Flash but TPT runs back out to help Flash again. They clear the ring and look at each other before Flash walks off.
Match #1: “Team Boomstick” Jay Bradley & “Welsh Colossus” Rob Terry vs Double Platinum (Rockstar Spud & “Diamond Steel” Ryan Howe)
OUR OVW Senior Official “Package” Chris Sharpe is in charge here as Howe eschews the guitar solo and joins Spud on the apron. Terry drags Howe back to the wrong corner so Bradley can slam him but then misses an elbow drop. Howe eats double forearms from the as-yet-unnamed duo before Bradley knocks Spud off the apron. Bradley boxes Howe’s ears, slams him, and drops an elbow for 2. Terry gives Howe a running squash in the corner and methodically beats on him for a bit. Howe gets away and comes off the ropes with a dropping uppercut on Terry and tags in Spud. Bradley gets knocked off the apron by Spud, who then dropkicks Terry and climbs up top only to have Bradley push him off as we go to break.
We return to find Terry standing on Spud’s neck before stretching him over the ropes. Dean has observed changes in Terry’s behavior since teaming with Bradley and they are not friendly changes, according to him. Spud kicks Terry away but Terry just picks him up and carries him over to the wrong corner. Sharpe has to remind Howe not to enter the match without benefit of a tag and this gives Terry and Bradley more opportunity to mash Spud. Chopping Terry has no effect for Spud and in fact Terry grabs a one-handed wristlock and takes him down to the mat. Bradley slams Spud but misses a kneedrop then Terry misses one as well and we get TAGS!! Howe backdrops Bradley out then the Platinums double dropkick Terry over the top rope and out. Another double dropkick sends Bradley to the corner. Howe sets up for a tenpunch but Bradley dumps him out. Spud gets snatched up and they hit the running double powerslam for the pin.
Bradley and Terry celebrate their 20th win by slinging Spud headfirst into the ring boards…twice!
Back from break, Spud is being tended to by OVW personnel as Gilbert says he was knocked out briefly. Spud gets helped to the back.
Match #2: Evan Markopolis (w/fellow Slimy Jerk Dylan Bostic & OUR OVW Hula Hoop Champion Ray Lynn) vs “The Teflon Don from Boca Raton” Eddie Diamond
Much picture taking to start as Dean says he has talked to Ray Lynn’s mom about all this and she is not pleased with the Jerks. Josh Ashcraft is OUR OVW Official here and he even poses for pictures. Diamond then poses with Ray Lynn in the ring which results in Evan jumping him from behind and getting a quick 2. Dean and Gilbert remind us that poor Ray Lynn is still a pawn in game of life. Diamond dropkicks, hiptosses, and bangs Evan’s head into the turnbuckles then sets up the Soulja Boy Elbow but Evan rolls out of the way. Evan motions for Ray Lynn to come up on the apron as Dylan tosses what appear to be knux into the ring but he overthrows them. Diamond gets a quick schoolboy for 2 followed by inverted DDT and again sets up for the Soulja Boy Elbow. Ray Lynn climbs up and poses on the corner, allowing Evan to clothesline him for the pin.
Bostic takes a picture of the fallen Diamond then they get Ashcraft to take a group picture. Dean says he is going to have a talk with Ray Lynn!
Jonze and the Marauders are in the back. Jonze will not tolerate TPT in their business as they still have unfinished business with Flash. Jonze announces to the group that he will not tolerate anymore screwups. OUR OVW “Ladies” Champion The Body Guy along with Mr. Marvelous Melvin Maximus walk up only to have Dumeyer sarcastically congratulate Body Guy on winning the title. The other Marauders laugh at them as they walk away!
Match #3: VIP Club (J Best & “Mexicutioner” Roberto DeLuna) vs OUR OVW Tag Team Champions The Mobile Homer Bookies (Adam Revolver & “Man-Beast” Ted McNaler) (w/Brittany Devore)
Sharpe officiates this match which is the Bookies’ first title defense. No mention of what the money line is on this match 🙂 Bookies grab Best and take him over to their corner for some double-teaming before they whip Best across and do the Hardy’s springboard splash thing. Revolver shoves DeLuna off the apron and to the floor. Bookies hit their spearing legsweep finisher on Best as Revolver pins him.
Revolver says that was one hard fought title match, noting that there wasn’t supposed to be a title match tonight but they are fighting champs. Revolver then says that now they don’t have to defend the titles for 30 days so they will be the “Souther-en” tag champs entering 2014. Revolver adds that there are bets to be made and plugs their Mobile Homer Gambling Operation! The former champs Michael (not PS) Hayes and Mohamed Ali Vaez come out. Hayes takes issue with the ‘no defenses until 2014″ thing and asks the Bookies if they want to bet. McNaler takes them up on it as they mockingly salute Hayes and Vaez.  It comes out that there is one more OVW live event this year, on Saturday 12/28 in Elizabethtown, KY, which has been featuring a tag team tournament. Vaez explains that he and Hayes can take the Bookies’ spot in the tournament and then the Bookies can defend against them since they apparently were already scheduled to face each other.
Body Guy and Melvin walk in to what appears to be the ladies dressing room where Brittany, Jessie Belle, Lovely Lylah, and Ray Lynn are. Body Guy has had his fill of the ridicule from winning the ladies title and offers to just hand the belt over. The girls will have none of that as they want to beat him in the ring. Body Guy hesitates and chooses Ray Lynn as his opponent. The other girls rush to advise her about the match.
Match #4: OUR OVW Hula Hoop Champion Ray Lynn vs OUR OVW “Ladies” Champion The Body Guy
Ashcraft is the referee in this match (the hula hoop title is not on the line here obviously). Body Guy takes the mic and says he doesn’t want to be humiliated anymore by other wrestlers and fans. He tells Ray Lynn he will lie down and she can pin him. Body Guy lies down but Ray Lynn lies down next to him, so he pulls Ray Lynn on top of him but she slaps him! Music hits and here comes THE ASSASSIN!!! A lariat sends Body Guy down the the canvas as Ashcraft calls for the DQ on Ray Lynn, meaning Body Guy keeps the title!!!
Match #5: “Strongest Gamer Alive” Marcus Anthony (w/Timmy Rampage” Danger) vs OUR OVW TV Champion Paredyse
OUR OVW Ring Announcer Shannon the Dude is again interrupted by Danger, who says Anthony weighs in at 350 plus pounds and refers to him as “SGA” Marcus Anthony. The TV title is not at stake here as the winner gets OUR OVW Champion Jamin Olivencia at the next Saturday Night Special on 1/4 in a title match. Paredyse leapfrogs and drop toeholds then Anthony catches him off the ropes and prepares to slam him but Paredyse escapes with a face rake. Anthony blocks Paredyse down but misses on a Gamma Punch. Paredyse climbs on Anthony’s back and peppers his head with punches until he gives Paredyse a rock bottom. Anthony sets up the full nelson (Crimson Omen) but Paredyse slips out and rolls him up for 2. Anthony clotheslines Paredyse but then gets dropkicked as Paredyse climbs up top and hits “Pie in the Sky” for 2. Paredyse goes back up top but this time Anthony clamps on the Crimson Omen and forces Paredyse to submit.
Anthony celebrates by reapplying the hold and Olivencia runs out to stop all this. Danger sneaks up behind Olivencia and hammers him on the back, which distracts him enough to allow Anthony to clamp the Crimson Omen on him. Anthony flings Olivencia around in the hold a bit, releases it, reapplies it, and then drops Olivencia on the mat. Danger and Anthony stand over the limp Olivencia as the show goes off.
THOUGHTS: It sure looks like Flash and Trash will be teaming at some point. Wondering if Terry and Bradley are being set up to be a team in TNA eventually? Ray Lynn is doing a good job helping the Slimy Jerks rack up victories, whether she’s aware of it or not. I was aware of the Elizabethtown tag tourney although results are hard to come by, they have been doing this over the last few monthly events there. I’m enjoying Body Guy’s story and even more so, when the Assassin came out. I have a feeling he may get stuck with this title for a while (and more humiliation). I can’t see Olivencia losing the title again this soon although Anthony could do some damage to him. Overall, I thought the show was OK, I’ll give it a upper thumbs in the middle.

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