Owens Deserves to Wrestle the Undertaker at Wrestlemania, Not Strowman

Rumors have begun swirling about the WWE’s current plan for The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 32, and it doesn’t look like the IWC is going to be very pleased. Why? It looks like the Dead Man is on a collision course with The Wyatt Family’s own Braun Strowman.

It was reported last week that Strowman was being considered to fill the spot opposite ‘Taker at WrestleMania 32.

Given the Undertaker has made a career out of vanquishing monsters, this match appears to be a natural fit for a show of Wrestlemania’s magnitude. However, times have changed considerably since we saw the likes of Giant Gonzalez, King Kong Bundy, and Mark Henry defeated at the hands of Big Evil. Simply put, his appearances have grown increasingly scarce and mean a little more than they used to.

If the WWE wants to use him as a big match attraction, it might want to make sure his opponent is of as legendary status as he is. That, and the story of the Undertaker chopping down the dominant giant has been played over several times.

In 2016, it’s starting to feel like any program could be The Undertaker’s last. For over a year now, rumors have swirled that his retirement match would take place in Texas. If that’s the case, should that opportunity be given to a rookie who is still developing his wrestling repertoire?
Strowman is certainly in contention for “big man of the future,” but he’s not ready yet. In the ring, he has yet to demonstrate any real wrestling ability, and his size actually limits the story he can tell. So far, it’s the same formula: dominate and win. His promo work is a bit better, but it’s hard to stand out amidst four other wrestlers who are conveying the same message.

He would only be in that spot because he’s big….really big.

The program wouldn’t even make sense. Is Strowman just going to break away from the Bray Wyatt vs. Brock Lesnar program that has already started on air? Does it all just become one big angle with The Wyatt Family facing off against Lesnar and The Undertaker?

Have the numerous injuries limited the WWE to the point that each member of The Wyatt Family is going to be in a feature match at the Showcase of the Immortal? Is Luke Harper wrestling Sting? Erick Rowan taking on The Rock?

Okay, that’s probably a bit excessive, but hopefully you catch my drift.

Strowman should either take on Lesnar or take a supporting role to Wyatt against Lesnar. Obviously, this begs the question: who should take on The Undertaker at ‘Mania?
Kevin Owens.

John Cena would have been the ideal opponent for such a match, but he’s injured and the WWE is forced to move on. Outside of The Authority and The Wyatt Family, the biggest heel on the roster is undoubtedly Owens. It’s arguable that no one created more buzz in 2015 than Owens!

Why not ride that momentum into a Wrestlemania date with the Dead Man?

Owens is the perfect guy you’d want in this situation. He could wrestle a barstool and make it look like Shawn Michaels. His mid-match interaction with the crowd is the absolute best in business. He finds a way to entertain every fan, from making the casual fan boo to making the diehard fan cheer.
He’s among wrestling’s elite, and right now, that’s exactly what the WWE needs given how the main event scene has been ravaged due to injuries.

Why should such a seasoned, well-versed wrestler like Owens be overlooked in favor of an underdeveloped rookie who is involved in a separate angle?

Come on, WWE. Make the right call.

Stoney Keeley covers the WWE for WrestlingNews.co, is a Featured Analyst for Pro Football Spot, and is the Editor for The SoBros Network. Follow on Twitter at @StoneyKeeley, @pfspot, and @SoBrosNetwork.

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