Paige hires attorney (updated)

UPDATE 2: Paige is still with WWE, for now. Click here for details.

UPDATE: Paige has reportedly quit WWE. Click here for more.

ORIGINAL: As previously noted, everything is up in the air right now regarding Paige’s status with WWE. Last week, MSL claimed on his podcast that he had heard that WWE outright told Paige to break up with Alberto Del Rio or risk being fired. I’m not saying that MSL made up the story and he definitely did not make it up out of thin air but it’s hard to believe that WWE would put themselves in legal trouble. For the record, WWE is saying that the allegation is not true. Did WWE split them up in the draft on purpose? That is possible but there’s nothing illegal about that and WWE has plausible deniability there.

There is another claim being made about Del Rio calling Mark Carrano about the subject and then Carrano going silent during the conversation. I could believe that the subject of her relationship was brought up but to outright tell her that her job is at risk would put WWE in legal hot water. Apparently, Paige has gotten legal representation and nobody knows if she will stay or leave the company. The fact that she’s gotten a lawyer is interesting and Del Rio’s lawyer was the one to inform WWE that he was opting out of his contract. Paige still has a few years left on her deal. She can go home and not go back on the road with WWE but she wouldn’t be able to work elsewhere. If she leaves the company, then it’s something that has to be worked out between both sides. At this point, with the story out (true or not true) about Paige allegedly being threatened to be fired, it’s hard to see Paige and WWE working together going forward.

Del Rio is expected to be officially gone by the end of the month.

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