Randy Orton reportedly gets into an altercation with a fan prior to a live event

According to the NEA Report website, there was an altercation between Randy Orton and a fan (Anthony Martin) prior to the Smackdown live event that took place on Monday night.

Martin says that he was at the gym working out and he noticed that Randy Orton was there. Martin said that he went up to Orton to ask for a photo. Martin said, “He gave me a fist bump and replied, ‘Sorry. I can’t hear you,’ pointing to his ear phones. We went our separate ways.” Martin then snapped a photo of Orton from across the room (see below) and that is when Orton allegedly got in his face and yelled at him. Martin said, “He saw me snap the picture and came up to me got in my face and said, ‘What the f**k are you doing? I said no **ddamn pictures! Are you f**king stupid?’” Martin said. “I said, ‘No. You said you couldn’t hear me.”

Martin’s friend added, “(Orton) said, ‘I can’t hear you, bro,’ and walked away.” He added, “So Anthony walked back and took a picture anyways and then Randy came over to Anthony, grabbed his hand and was belittling Anthony and pretty much was saying m’fer this, m’fer that.”

Martin then said that he told Orton that he could delete the photo. That’s when Orton allegedly responded by saying, “Yeah. F***ing delete it!” Orton supposedly took a step back and Martin said that he knew Orton was going to hit him. “My three friends were very close behind and then he said “F*** it. Keep the f**king picture. Enjoy your workout.’”

It’s worth nothing that we are only getting one side of the story and it’s probably better to stay away from a celebrity when they are on their private time…or at least wait until after they are finished working out.

You can read the story by clicking here.

Anthony Martin

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