Randy Orton teases match with NJPW star

Randy Orton and NJPW star Will Ospreay had an interesting exchange on social media.

Over the weekend, the former WWE Champion teased having a match with the top star in 2020. It all started when Orton responded to a tweet by Ospreay.

Later in the exchange, Orton noted that he’s not scheduled to appear on the Raw Reunion special on Monday night in Tampa, Florida at the Amalie Arena. You can see their exchange here:

Ospreay: “Execute the plan that makes you smile every single minute of every single day.”

Orton: “Good luck with that shit.”

Orton: “Realistically speaking there’s nothing that you could ‘plan’ that makes you ‘smile every single minute of every single day’. But WWE IS all about putting smiles on faces. #ospreayvsorton 06/2020.”

Ospreay: “Realistically nah maybe you got me there. I’m happy tho. Hope you are happy where you are. But unfortunately my friend I’m here for the long run. I mean you’re like a multi time champ, could you just leave for a bit come here for #OspreayVsOrton then go back…just saying.”

Orton: “Sounds like $ to me. I’ll ask Tuesday at #SmackdownLive since I’m not on the #RAWReunion #raw #wwe #wtf.”

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