Randy Orton Wants John Cena To Induct Him Into The WWE Hall Of Fame

Cody Rhodes welcomed one of his closest friends, Randy Orton, on his What Do You Want To Talk About show that airs weekly on WWE’s YouTube channel. 

Randy Orton on who he would like to induct him if he goes into the WWE Hall of Fame:

“I almost don’t even want to say because I feel like he’d hear this and then feel obligated, but maybe John (Cena) at this point. So there’s a few reasons, selfishly, because I know that he would knock it out of the park. I know John could do me better justice than just about anybody, because John’s John. Of course, there’s other candidates, but I feel like John would be at the top of my list, but I almost hate even saying it out loud, because I can’t imagine how busy that dude is with everything he’s got going on. You know, I have a tendency to sell myself short and I feel like, you know, maybe he would love to do it, but I don’t know that I could ask him.”

Orton would like to have another match with John Cena:

“I would love to work with the man and have a couple TVs or more to set it up and really make something special of it. Because no matter how much we faced each other back in the day, almost to the point where people were sick of it, when people look back and think about it, they’re like, ‘Oh, Orton-Cena, wow. It was this amazing rivalry.’ To have that call back, that nostalgia concept, and to do it for the fans who I feel like they’d appreciate it, and we go out there and have some fun and tear the place down. I would love to do that, but I guess, according to John, we’re just gonna let it, you know, if it organically happens, it’ll happen, but I think it’ll happen. I think it’s in the cards.”

Orton on who he feels is the G.O.A.T.:

“I don’t think there is a GOAT. I like the Mount Rushmore. I like, you know, who’s your top five, top 10, even top 20? But the GOAT? I don’t think he exists. Now for each individual fan who’s just as much part of the show as we are, they have their own perspective and it’s subjective to how they feel, what that talent makes them feel. So I think that there’s 100 goats. There’s 150, 200, 250 GOATS. I don’t think there’s a GOAT. To me, my father was one of the best, like back in his era, one of the best in his era as far as making guys look good. To me, a guy who sells better than everybody else is a GOAT. Now he’s making the guy who’s the GOAT look good. Who’s really the GOAT?”

What’s next for Randy Orton:

“I think, to answer your question honestly, I think to do this for as long as I can. We brought up my wife, Kim, on a couple occasions. She told me, ‘When it’s time to hang them up, I’ll let you know.’ I don’t want to retire and have a last match and then leave the company and have another last match and then another one and another one. Like John, I feel like when he says, ‘This is my last Royal Rumble, this is my last Elimination Chamber, this is my last WrestleMania’, he means it. If anyone’s ever meant that, it’s him. I think I want to follow suit and I want when it’s all said and done and it’s over, I want it to be over. So I want to take it to that point and then tear it down, and then ride off into the sunset.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit What Do You Wanna Talk About? with a h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription.

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