Raw 25 expected to be bigger than the Raw After WrestleMania

The big Raw 25th Anniversary show is coming up fast and with all the hype WWE is putting behind this show it’s liable to be a can’t miss kind of event.

But Bryan Alvarez said something rather interesting on Wrestling Observer Live when he revealed what he has heard about the upcoming Raw 25 supershow.

“I’ve been told that at least in terms of production and individuals being brought in and ideas and pitches Raw 25 will be bigger than the traditional night after WrestleMania Raw” Alvarez said. “Will you like it better? I don’t know, that’s up to you. But the way they’re putting it together it is a bigger event and higher priority than the post-Mania Raw”

Seeing how the Raw 25th Anniversary show is the go-home show for Royal Rumble, it’s likely that we’ll see some interesting stories develop. Something needs to happen quickly if Jason Jordan isn’t cleared for an in-ring return in time seeing how he’s got a Raw Tag Team Championship match against Sheamus and Cesaro in Philly.

You can probably expect some big names because they’ve already announced a ton of people for the show and fans can expect an Intercontinental Title match as well. But only time will tell if WWE will do something extremely shocking as they start the Road To WrestleMania once again.

FYI, click here for the updated list of names returning for the Raw 25th anniversary show.

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News from The Wrestling Observer website was used in this post. For more on this story please visit WrestlingObserver.com. Dave Meltzer and Bryan Alvarez’ WrestlingObserver.com is the leading source for professional wrestling news. Click here for subscription information. Members get exclusive access to insider news from Dave Meltzer and Bryan Alvarez, daily audio shows, breaking news audio, the Wrestling Observer newsletter, newsletter archives, thousands of hours of archived radio shows, and much more.

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