Raw results 12-23-13

By Bill Pritchard
December 23rd 2013

The Authority comes out and announces they are in a festive mood and announce a few matches, then Randy Orton comes out and wishes everyone a happy holiday. He thanks them for having faith in him, then Orton says he has a gift for them, the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, and thanks them for a night off. They all hug and Orton leaves, then Kane quotes a Christmas carol and makes his pyro explodes.

12 Divas Jingle Belles Match
Total Divas vs Team Not Total Divas

Tamina bodyslams Brie but Brie comes back with a hurricanrana, then Kaitlyn throws Eva Marie down and Eva Marie knocks Rosa down. Naomi applies a waistlock to Summer Rae, then Summer knocks her down but The Funkadactyls double team her and Alicia follows with a suplex. Everyone basically tags in and knocks each other down, with Vickie running away, then everyone attacks each other until Nattie whips Brie and the rest of her team, creating a chain clothesline to knock everyone else down, then Nattie gets the win with a Sharpshooter.

Winners – Total Divas

Curtis Axel vs Sin Cara

Cara sends Axel outside and splashes him, then he rolls him in but Axel takes his knees out and slams him into the ringpost. Axel whips him but Cara kicks him in the face, getting a two count pin attempt, but Axel comes right back with a dropkick and a grounded waistlock. Cara throws some elbows and throws Axel on the floor, then he follows with a senton over the ropes and a hurricanrana in the ring. Cara hits a springboard elbow for two, Axel clubs the back of his head but Cara counters another punch with a fireman’s carry slam and a senton for the win.

Winner – Sin Cara

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